Adult Stem Cell Therapy Blog

American Doctors Form Group to Oppose FDA's Stance On Adult Stem Cells

Friday, March 27, 2009 - Stem Cell Guru

The American Stem Cell Therapy Association has been formed in response to the FDA's position that a patient's own Adult Stem Cells are drugs. The group has been formed by US doctors who believe that standards and regulations should be applied by responsible doctors rather than the FDA. The goal of this group is to bring the use of a patient's own stem cells (proven safe in hundreds of studies) to the United States sooner rather than later.

This is a wonderful development especially for American patients who have no cure or treatment for their conditions other than drugs which only treat the symptoms and often have bad side effects. Congestive Heart Failure is a good example of this. About 50% of heart failure patients die within 5 years of being diagnosed with congestive heart failure.

These heart failure patients don't have the time to wait for all the US clinical trials to be completed which is why so many Americans must go abroad for stem cell treatment. Not only congestive heart failure patients, there are more than 73 other diseases that can be improved through the use of a person's own stem cells.

So while some are urging us to be "advocates of patience" and wait for clinical trials for each disease and condition to run its course, there are thousands of dying patients right now who don't have time to be "patient" for what has been proven safe in hundreds of studies- the use of one's own stem cells.

Dr. Zannos Grekos of Regenocyte, a user of VesCell stem cell therapy is a prominent member of this new organization.

From the article:
"Many patients are dying or suffering daily with incurable diseases or problems that require major surgery. These patients should have access to basic adult stem cell therapy now." stated Christopher J. Centeno, M.D, an ASCTA physician member. "ASCTA is establishing guidelines which will allow the safe use of the patient's own adult stem cells under the supervision of doctors." continued Centeno.

These doctors are not saying that should be no regulations. However, they do want to take it out of the hands of the FDA who Don Margolis says treat Adult Stem Cells like Viagra.

300,000 Americans die each year of congestive heart failure. If all 300,000 were treated with their own stem cells- that number would be cut significantly. And that is just for heart failure- diabetes, spinal cord injury, crohn's disease, coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease are just a few conditions which Adult stem cells will help.

If you want to become part of this movement, you can join for FREE- just go fill out the contact information at the Stem Cell Docs website

Thanks to Don Margolis' Adult Stem Cell Research blog for the tip on the story.



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